Tag Archives: silver Lake Bellingham MA

A Walk through History Silver Lake Beach, Bellingham, MA

Bridge to Island, Silver Lake Bellingham, MA

Marjorie Turner Hollman is a writer who loves the outdoors. Link to all Marjorie’s books.

Working with our community Cable Station, ABMI Cable 8 here in Bellingham is such fun. We get outside, explore places that offer Easy Walks, and get the perspective of the great views offered, when cameraman Tyler McMinnaman brings along the drone, part of the great equipment the cable station has on hand to create great video.

Buildings filled the area that is now Silver Lake Beach

We met recently at Silver Lake Beach to wander the area, and talk about a little of the history of the area. This was a “go-to” destination in the days before cars were common. Over the years the area offered a carousel, a dance hall, a skating rink, and even diving horses! It is often difficult to imagine all this activity when strolling the area on a spring morning, when we were about the only people there.

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Halloween snow storm Silver Lake neighborhood, Bellingham

Snow-covered bird feeders in our yard help provide a measure of all the snow that fell the day before

We live near Silver Lake in Bellingham, and watched with others as rain fell for two days before turning to snow, and then kept snowing the whole day. What had been forecast as 1-3 inches of snow turned out to be more like 5 inches, at least in our neighborhood. We woke to a winter wonderland Halloween morning and headed right out before the warming sun melted everything and returned us to autumn.

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Staying close to home–visiting Silver Lake with grands

Hanging out at the lake with my girl and grands

Marjorie Turner Hollman is a writer who loves the outdoors. Link to all Marjorie’s books.

Since the beginning of the pandemic this spring, I have seen little of my sweet grands, even though they live in town. We are staying more remote than they have been able to, which has made visits difficult. But outdoor walks alongside Silver Lake work, with all of us wearing masks and walking apart from each other.

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Waiting for…Foliage–it Finally Arrived!


Fall in full color at Silver Lake, Bellingham, MA

Marjorie Turner Hollman is a writer who loves the outdoors. Link to all Marjorie’s books.

Like many in New England, I look forward to taking in the stunning display of foliage that is an annual tradition around here. Usually happens around the first two weeks of October. But as we moved our way through this blessedly cooler month of the year (yeah!) I, and others like me, kept saying, “Hmm, not much foliage this year.” I heard other comments like, “No reds, just some yellow, so disappointing.” Continue reading


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Walking Familiar Paths, Finding the Unfamiliar–Otters and Beavers!


Silver Lake on a late fall afternoon

I have spent the past several years seeking out new places to walk as I document local trails in this area. Each trail included in my Easy Walks in Massachusetts publications is carefully considered. But over the years I have lived in New England, the one spot I have visited more than any other is literally right in my backyard. Our house overlooks Silver Lake in Bellingham, and I need only pull on my coat, step outside, and I’m on my way. Continue reading

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Home again, home again


Colors are popping right now

After traveling, I always have a hard time getting going–there seems to be so many things to get back where they belong, so many concerns to tend to. We’ve just returned from visiting grandboys in Tennessee. But right now the foliage in our area has simply “popped” and I can’t bear to miss it. Continue reading

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Home, Sweet Home

Along the shores of Silver Lake, Bellingham, MA

Along the shores of Silver Lake, Bellingham,

I’ve lived in one place for over 30 years now, and walked this path along the edge of Silver Lake countless times. On these walks I’ve met my neighbors, many who have become friends. I’ve watched as they have grown older (as have I) and feel wistful; so many have grown old and died. As I pass each house along my walk, I think of each person who called this place “home,” greeted me on my daily walks, and offered a friendly voice during some difficult times in my life. Gone, but not forgotten.SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES Continue reading

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