Franklin Sculpture Park visit with Cable TV

Sculpture reflections on the pond at the Franklin Sculpture park

I met Steve Sherlock, of Franklin Matters at the Sculpture Park in Franklin, MA. The plan was to tape an episode of Finding Easy Walks, a new Cable TV show I began recently where viewers can join me as we go to some of my favorite local outdoor Easy Walks locations.

Getting ready to start taping with Steve Sherlock and Tyler McMinniman of ABMI Cable 8

I first learned of this handicapped accessible town owned sculpture park by reading a post about it in Franklin Matters, a daily newsletter Steve puts out, filled with local information of interest to Franklin residents. The newsletter also offers information of more regional interest, and Steve has been quite generous in helping spread the word about my Easy Walks efforts.

Mallards enjoying the sunshine

The day was perfect when we taped, bright sunshine, few visitors, and cooperate mallards, who like to hang out in the pond the walkway encircles. Construction across the street made for audio challenges, but Tyler

These machines competed with us as we worked to tape an episode of Finding Easy Walks. Tyler did a great job minimizing their noise for the final product

McMinniman, our camera guy from ABMI Cable 8 did an amazing job of reducing the din from nearby machines that were cutting down and hauling trees from the hillside nearby. He also brought a drone along to gather footage form the air to put into the video afterwards, turning a simple walk around a small park into a cool birds-eye view of the stream and dammed pond.

More sculpture reflections in the pond

Steve and I took our time, and he acted as tour guide. He walks this area almost daily and offered fun details about different sculptures we saw along the way. The loop trail takes perhaps only ten minutes to walk if you hurry, but we were in no hurry. Instead, we heard stories such as the one about a sculpture made of repurposed materials removed from another location in town.

Ursus sculpture always a favorite for visitors

We got up close to the bear “Ursus” metal sculpture.

This mobile sculpture shifts with the wind and Steve danced a few steps as the sculpture responded to the breeze

Steve later danced with the newest mobile sculpture standing next to the water.

A parade of fish grace the fence next to the water

A school of fish parade across a fence next to the water, and Steve knew the story behind their creation as well. Enjoy the entire conversation we had in this 30 minute episode of Finding Easy Walks, and happy trails!

Some previous posts about the Sculpture Park:


Marjorie Turner Hollman is a writer who loves the outdoors, and is the author of Easy Walks in Massachusetts, 2nd editionMore Easy Walks in Massachusetts, 2nd editionEasy Walks and Paddles in the Ten Mile River Watershed, Easy Walks South of Boston and Finding Easy Walks Wherever You Are. Her memoir, the backstory of Easy Walks, is My Liturgy of Easy Walks: Reclaiming hope in a world turned upside down.

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